Value Minded Mama

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Kids Thrift

So, not only do I find really great things at the thrift store for me, but I have also scored some really good deals for Silas. It's actually probably easier for you to find nicer clothes for kids at a thrift store then it is for you to find clothes for you. Think about it, how long are kids actually wearing their clothes? When they’re toddlers, maybe 3-six months to a year depending on how fast they grow. I know kids are messy, so their clothes aren't always in the best of shape. But if you think about how fast they are growing vs how much they can actually wear, chances are you're going to get a lot of unused/very gently used items. Because they just can't wear it fast enough or they have too many options to choose from. I know it's definitely that way when it comes to baby clothes! I'm running into new territory with the toddler age, so we'll see how that goes from here on out. So far, I have had tremendous luck with finding a majority of Silas's clothes at thrift stores and consignment stores like Once Upon a Child (OUC)  

Take for example this outfit here. The jacket and shoes I found at OUC and I was specifically looking for both of those items. Once upon a Child is great, in that they literally have every item known to man in that store, so you will find what you are looking for and then some. Silas needed a rain jacket and this one happened to be $7 on sale for 75% off, it ended up being like $2 for a gently used nice Old Navy rain jacket. The shoes I think were the most expensive at $8, but he really needed a pair of tennis shoes so I thought that was a good deal. And they were the only Nike shoes that I could get on and off him without screaming. So I count that as a win. Ironically I bought the shirt and jeans at the same thrift store and they are also both Old Navy. So, Silas has a brand-new to him Old Navy outfit for about $6. And I found half of it on the same day.


My advice for kids thrift shopping would be, if you see it and you want it, buy it. Especially buy it if they can grow into it. Because you will not find another deal like it, it is NOT cheaper somewhere else and I guarantee you that item will be gone the next time you go back. You don't want to miss out on a great deal because you were second-guessing yourself. I literally do this all the time and then I get frustrated when I go back and that item is not there. I mean it's $2-$4 for kids clothes, if you can't use it, I'm sure you can find someone who can. Live a little and have fun thrifting for all your clothing needs! <3 Amanda