Value Minded Mama

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Sensodyne Deep Clean Review

I love having fresh, clean teeth. How about you? It makes your smile really stand out and gives you a certain sort of confidence. I think most of us would agree that having clean teeth and fresh breath is pretty important. No one wants to walk around with stinky breath, and everyone can tell if you have it. Also, does anyone else suffer from tooth sensitivity? There are sometimes when it bothers me, and other times not so much. Usually it’s noticeable when I eat/drink cold things. I’ve found a new toothpaste that helps with my sensitivity, cleans my teeth, and freshens my breath. What is this amazing toothpaste, you ask? It’s Sensodyne Deep Clean.

Most of us have heard about Sensodyne, and know it is one of the best sensitivity-fighting toothpastes out there. But did you know that the *new* Sensodyne Deep Clean can actually help REDUCE sensitivity too? Plus, it’s got a new foaming formula with a minty flavor. I remember using Sensodyne a couple years ago and it was gritty, thin, and did not have any flavor. It was not my favorite toothpaste, but I used it because I had tooth sensitivity. With their new formula, I’ve got everything I need in a toothpaste in one tube, and I don’t have to sacrifice anything. I could already tell a difference in sensitivity after using it for a few nights, but I have been using it for over a month now and it only gets better!

This is a toothpaste you’ll want to share with your friends and family. It’s that good! We’ve already been teaching Silas (our almost 2yr old) about tooth health and preparing him with daily brushing. He loves brushing his teeth and we’re glad he’s learning good hygiene early!

**I did receive this product for free, for testing purposes from BzzAgent. However, All opinions are true and my own. Want to receive products for free too? Check out my post about how to get free products **