Welcome to Value Minded Mama. This is my creative space where I document motherhood moments, cool kiddo and family finds, my super simple casual mommy style, saving time and money tips, our travels/adventures and being a stay at home mom. I love that you're here! Please stop by one of my posts (or fill out the contact form) and let me know how you found me. I love making friends and connecting with new people. Feel free to check out my social media channels below for more from Value Minded Mama.
Photo by: Nicole Keeve Photography
Hey y’all! I'm Amanda, Value Minded Mama, and I love sharing tips on all things motherhood and anything you’d need for an affordable family lifestyle. I’m 32 years old, married to a biker (he’s in a Christian Motorcycle Club) and have two sweet kiddos (one boy, one girl).
We love Jesus and try with his grace, to live a life on mission and full of purpose. I’m a stay at home mama, the best job ever, in South Carolina. We love our “small” town and how family friendly it is.
My husband grew up here (Columbia, SC) (I was a military kid) and saw the city transform from when he was younger (and apparently was “boring”). We actually both stay at home but since my husband is working, I take the kids out until about nap time so they can get some energy out and he can have some peace and quiet. Our favorite hangouts are the gym (woohoo childcare!!), local parks and libraries (free!!), the zoo (which happens to be in our neighborhood and we can hear the tiger, monkeys and sea lions inside our house) and Chick-fil-A.
It’s a lot of fun being a stay at home mom, with practically no schedule, but it can get very monotonous. And expenses add up real quick with four people and one income. We pretty much do the same things every week, with slight variations here and there, but our choices are very affordable or I know how to get the things we want, at prices within our budget.
I hope my insight and tips helps those who are looking for affordable solutions to everyday family needs, maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed in motherhood, need some help with “self care” or just some encouragement and happiness in their day.
I’m so glad you’re here and I hope this space brings you joy and a sense of community, like it has brought me. With Love, Amanda