Leah Elizabeth Photography

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Welcome to Value Minded Mama. This is my creative space where I document motherhood moments, cool kiddo and family finds, my super simple casual mommy style, saving time and money tips, our travels/adventures and being a stay at home mom. I love that you're here! Please stop by one of my posts (or fill out the contact form) and let me know how you found me. I love making friends and connecting with new people. Feel free to check out my social media channels below for more from Value Minded Mama.

Overnight Hospital Bag for Expecting Moms

Overnight Hospital Bag for Expecting Moms

So, right now I’m really jonesing to meet this baby girl! Every time I see my friends post about their sweet new little babies, I get a little jealous. I am 40 weeks and feel as prepared as I can be at this point. I’m ready to have my baby!


*Standard disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received product for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own, based on my experience.*


Thankfully this is my second child, so I know a little bit about what to expect as far as labor, delivery, hospital visits and the return home go. Although I know every woman and every pregnancy is different. But there are still preparations that need to take place when welcoming a newborn to the family. I’m so glad the majority of us get nine months to prepare our mindset, emotions and home for another little person.


The first time I delivered, I was induced. And I ended up having to be induced two days in a row. This time I am hoping to go into labor naturally, or at least induce labor naturally! As far as preparations go though, I can go ahead and organize my overnight bag for the hospital, because that will not be changing either way. I packed way too much stuff with our firstborn, so this time I am taking only the essential necessities. The hospital literally provides everything you need for mom and newborn care, so the only things you really need to bring are personal or memento items. Here are the things I’ll be packing for our stay at the hospital.


For Mom:

  • birth plan
  • delivery/nursing maternity robe
  • cozy outfit (for lounging around the room)
  • going home outfit (loose, warm & comfy)
  • nursing bra & pads
  • slip on slippers
  • socks
  • travel toiletries (quick showers & basic hygiene)
  • lotion
  • chapstick
  • hair ties/bobby pins
  • eye mask
  • make up
  • favorite snacks/drinks


For Baby:

  • stat sign (name, height, weight, DOB)
  • onesies (with pants) (3)
  • swaddling blanket
  • hat/headband
  • socks/booties
  • diapers
  • wipes


Even as these are my “essential” items, I will still probably not use everything I brought. I was really impressed with my first labor and delivery experience at our hospital. They provided everything I needed for postpartum care, as well as everything my son needed while in the hospital.


Everything I’m bringing is for comfort, or because I personally want to bring it. For example, my delivery/nursing maternity robe, matching swaddle and headband.


​These gorgeous pieces are from Posh Peanut. Its an adorable and trendy online children’s boutique. They have the cutest prints and styles for newborns, infants and toddlers.


I can’t wait to wrap up my baby girl in her matching swaddling blanket and headband. I know she’ll look just darling! They have such a great selection and variety. So, be sure to check out all they have to offer!




Other patterns, styles and pieces from Posh Peanut:


Photography by Kerri Paige Photography

Stocking Stuffers for the Whole Family

Stocking Stuffers for the Whole Family

Basic Invite: Holiday Invitations and Cards

Basic Invite: Holiday Invitations and Cards