Leah Elizabeth Photography

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Welcome to Value Minded Mama. This is my creative space where I document motherhood moments, cool kiddo and family finds, my super simple casual mommy style, saving time and money tips, our travels/adventures and being a stay at home mom. I love that you're here! Please stop by one of my posts (or fill out the contact form) and let me know how you found me. I love making friends and connecting with new people. Feel free to check out my social media channels below for more from Value Minded Mama.

Fall Fashion as a Statement

Fall Fashion as a Statement

To me, the military camo print is more than just a cute fashion statement. I was raised military, and my brother currently serves in the Army National Guard. Camo represents a way of life, our country, our freedom and personal sacrifice. It's an honor and privilege to wear this print. In my opinion, if you don't support the armed forces and America, then you probably shouldn't wear military camo. You're representing something you don't actually believe in. 

patriotic camo dress

For the longest time, I had a hard time wearing camo for this very reason. I didn't see it as a fashion statement, but a uniform and a livelihood. It felt almost offensive to me when people wore camo, because I thought - they're just wearing it because they think it's “fashionable” and they can't possibly understand what that print actually stands for. And maybe they don't. But honestly, it's not my place to judge someone's clothing choices, and there are more important things to be focusing on. I can only follow my own convictions and act accordingly.

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However, now that I've matured a little over the years, I see it as an opportunity. Yes, an opportunity to match my sweet little boy, who is very hard to match with just because he's a boy. But also an opportunity to show my support of our armed forces and our country. I love the camo military print. Not because of its widespread fashion appeal, and how good it looks with fall. But because of what it stands for. Those that wear it as a uniform have sacrificed so much for our country, so that we could be free.

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It reminds me of someone else who gave up everything for us, so that we could be free.

“Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.” Galatians 1:4

Camo Dress (similar) // Converse // Back Pack (similar) // Silver Hoops (similar)// Clinique Matte Lip

This fit/style dress was perfect for my first and second trimester. It's so soft, cozy and has just enough stretch. Plus, I can wear it after pregnancy! Oh, and it was only $14 on Francesca's spring clearance rack. Now that's what I call a great value. <3 Amanda

Practical Ways to Spend Genuine Time with Jesus

Practical Ways to Spend Genuine Time with Jesus

The Best Lace Maternity Style for Fall

The Best Lace Maternity Style for Fall