Leah Elizabeth Photography

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Tasty Teas for Any Occasion

Tasty Teas for Any Occasion

I love tea! I feel so classy and British when enjoying a cuppa. And I've been to England, so it's very nostalgic for me. I love how tea comes in so many different flavors, and is actually really good for you. Plus, I get the good stuff, the fresh all-natural blends in loose leaf form. In my opinion, loose leaf is the best way to enjoy tea. The blends are so beautiful, and the flavor is not lost in the manufacturing process.

I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with a favorite tea company of mine, For Teas Sake. It's a Canadian-based company that has some of the most beautiful and flavorful tea blends. They also have a vast variety of teas available, there is literally something for everyone! They sent me this adorable package with some of their best selling accessories. It's got an apron (that I wear any time I'm cooking), tea bag filters (because some lose blends are really fine) and a personal glass steeping mug (just the right amount).

Another thing I love about tea is, it can been enjoyed hot or cold. I feel like it's just assumed that tea should be hot, because that's how coffee is enjoyed and most people have a cup in the morning before work. There are times and certain flavors when hot tea is just perfect, and usually the morning and at night are those times. BUT some teas are better when they are iced. On a hot summer day (which is most days in South Carolina) iced tea is way better than water. It quenches your thirst, adds a delicious subtle flavor and is full of health benefits. I have sampled many of For Teas Sake teas, and I haven't been disappointed yet. Here are a few of my favorite blends. I have categorized them by my favorite way to enjoy them too, hot or cold.

Hot Teas

Cleanse: This tea is great for detoxing and just cleaning out your system. Plus, it's really delicious and pretty. I mean, just look at those gorgeous leaves and petals! Swoon!

Iced Teas

Mango Tango: This tea is so yummy and fun. I love the pink shade it turned from the hibiscus flower petals. This would be a great tea for a girl friends brunch or bridal/baby shower! It's got great flavor, but it's not very sweet. I like to add honey to sweeten my tea, to still keep it on the healthy side.

Sour Apple Martini: I actually had higher hopes for this tea. It's a green tea, which isn't my favorite, but it was really refreshing during the afternoon. It tastes more light apple and hardly a sour taste, but is still a fun blend. I prefer using the tea bag filters when making a big batch of iced tea, because I can add a good amount of leaves for full flavor, and they are really easy to remove when fully brewed.

Citrus Delight: I decided to test this blend out on my family members for a Father's Day dinner that we hosted. Everyone enjoyed it and you know I love the added color from the hibiscus petals. I thought I'd go with this blend to mix up the only other option we had (water), and because we usually always add lemon to our water. This would cancel out a step as it's a citrus blend (no lemon needed, although I almost always add lemon to my tea anyways). I'm glad it was a hit and it went well with our fresh chicken and veggie dish!

Well, there you have it folks! These were some of the more recent (and yummy) blends I've tried from For Teas Sake. They have over 30 blends, so I'm sure you could find something you're looking for. It's almost overwhelming, so I'd suggest just getting a couple to try that sound really good to you (and trust me, they will all sound really good). They have great sales throughout the year, and you can keep track of them by following their email newsletter. You also have the opportunity to get rewards for even more perks, which can add up to free tea, when you're a part of their loyalty program. BUT right now, you can save 15% off your first order with code: AMANDA15 (unfortunately this does not include the gift sets at this time). I hope you give them a try - if you love full flavored teas, this is the brand for you! <3 Amanda

**Standard disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I did receive these products, in exchange for promotion. All opinions are my own**

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